Member- and Partnership Opportunities at Digital Energy Hub

Members of Digital Energy Hub gain access to data, Master/Business classes and innovation sprints.

Strategic partner
Strategic partners at Digital Energy Hub have a seat in the steering committee and are involved in identifying specific challenges that are addressed within the hub.

Facilitating partner
Technical universities and organizations have come together to facilitate Digital Energy Hub. Each of the facilitating partners contributes to creating the optimal framework for data-driven innovation in the energy sector.
Strategic partners

Energinet is an independent public company under the Ministry of Climate, Energy, and Utilities. They own and develop the electricity and gas grids in Denmark to accommodate more renewable energy, maintain security of supply, and ensure equal market access to the grids.

EWII Group, based in the Triangle Region, is a supplier of electricity, water, heat, and fiber. They ensure the essentials of life with high supply reliability, and we prioritize making it easy to be a customer with them.
They sell electricity and lease heat pumps to customers throughout the country. In the Triangle Region, they sell district heating, water, and fiber.
They are actively shaping the future of the energy industry and play an important role in the development of intelligent solutions and flexible energy systems to optimize the utilization of green technologies. They are building the future fiber society and developing solutions to promote its growth. They invest responsibly and with foresight in the development of our shared community.

HOFOR – Greater Copenhagen Utility – we supply drinking water, district heating, town gas, district cooling, dispose of wastewater, and we erect wind turbines.
HOFOR is responsible for the water supply and wastewater disposal in eight municipalities in the Copenhagen metropolitan area: Albertslund, Brøndby, Dragør, Herlev, Hvidovre, Copenhagen, Rødovre and Vallensbæk.
In addition, we supply Copenhagen with district heating, town gas and district cooling – and we erect wind turbines, both in and outside Copenhagen.
We also own the Amagerværket power station, which produces electricity and district heating, and we are a co-owner of BIOFOS, which operates wastewater treatment plants in Greater Copenhagen.
Facilitating partners

Center Denmark
Center Denmark is an independent and non-profit national research center with the aim to unify and embed research results within the field of digitalization of energy systems and put data intelligence for disposal of the industry for commercial use.
Center Denmark hosts the Data Lake and data analytics toolbox created in the national Innovation Fund Denmark project - Flexible Energy Denmark. Center Denmark will provide the physical facility and technical organization for Digital Energy Hub.

Energy Cluster Denmark
Energy Cluster Denmark is a non-profit cluster-organization representing the Danish energy tech industry.
ECD collaborates with more than 1.000 organizations each year, with a focus on strengthening the collaboration between triple helix actors.
ECD has experience in managing several projects from the Danish Industry Foundation e.g., Big Data Business Academy and Digital Business Transformation.
DigitalLead is a non-profit cluster-organization for digitalization in Denmark with more than 500 members.
DigitalLead is an access point to the entire eco-system of digital technologies.
Our work takes its point of departure in four focus areas: Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), Data Science and High-Performance Computing and Cyber security.
In all our activities, we combine technology with a holistic approach to the successful development of innovative digital solutions with a focus on business models and processes, ethics, UX and design thinking as well as sustainability and the SDGs.

Innovation Centre Denmark
ICDK is a partnership between the Ministry of Higher Education and
Science, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark – The Danish Trade Council.
ICDK provides market knowledge and access to market actors through their local offices located in the USA, Brazil, Germany, Israel, India, China, South Korea. ICDK will contribute to international networking and Investment attraction activities.

SDU (Syddansk Universitet)
Center for Energy Informatics, University of Southern Denmark, is an interdisciplinary research and innovation center, focusing on the digital transformation of the energy sector. The center is active in several national and international research projects and networks within Digital Energy.
The center contributes to the Digital Energy Hub project with its extensive knowledge in the smart energy business ecosystems and excellence in AI-based modelling and simulation of smart energy system solutions.
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DTU Compute
DTU Compute, Technical University of Denmark, is an internationally recognized research department in the scientific fields of big data and data science, artificial intelligence (AI), and internet of things (IoT).
DTU Compute is active in several national and international research projects and networks within smart energy. DTU Compute will contribute to Digital Energy Hub with their research and teaching expertise in big data, AI and IoT.
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Center for Data-Intensive Systems (Daisy) is Denmark’s largest Big Data research group (50+ researchers) and internationally leading in Big Data Analytics for spatio and sensor data, with a focus on energy data. Daisy will contribute with their excellence in Big Data, analytics, and applied AI.
Center for Embedded Software Systems (CISS) are an internationally leading research group on Intelligent Real-Time Embedded Systems. CISS will contribute their excellence in machine learning, AI, IoT and Cyber-Physical Systems.
Both centers participate in several national and European research projects and networking programmes.
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DIGIT - Aarhus University Centre for Digitalization, Big Data and Data Analytics is an interdisciplinary center combining the main research groups in digitalization at AU. This includes research in areas such as big data analysis, blockchain, cyber-security, digital business development, internet of things, science and engineering in machine intelligence, and smart products with focus on cyber-physical systems. DIGIT contributes within blockchains and cyber-security.